Ways To Honor The Ocean This Summer Solstice

We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives. ~ Gary Zukav

ocean, sun, summer, solstice, beach, nature, clouds

Solstice Sun ©blu-feet

This Sunday, June 21st marks the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere where the sun reaches the highest point in the sky and is the longest day of the year. This celestial event has inspired countless celebrations, festivals and rituals throughout history with a sense of magic and awe of nature. It is a perfect time of year for us to use this extra daylight for the powers of good. How will you choose to use your powers of good to contribute to life?

Perhaps this little list can provide some summer solstice inspiration to get you started:


Ways to Honor the Ocean this Summer Solstice

  1. Summer Sailstice  Is a worldwide celebration of sailing that takes place on June 20, 2015. Find an event near you to participate or create your own. Share your experience with videos or photos on instagram to win prizes. #Sailstice15

  2. 100 Days of Blue  Get your #BlueMind on and dive into ocean leader @WallaceJNichols event to share your love of the ocean beginning June 21, 2015. Document your experiences near, in or under the water and share via social media using #100daysofblue to raise awareness for the importance of water in our lives. We all tend to protect what we love so share, share, share the ocean love!

  3. International Day of Surfing  Join the Surfrider Foundation on June 20, 2015 in a global event to celebrate everything surfing related as well as activities to give back to the ocean such as beach clean-ups and habit restorations.  Check out their map to find an event near you. #ISD2015 #Surfrider


About Carol Hink

Social media addict with a marketing mind and a ocean filled heart that covers both coasts. Rowed to my first job at a lobster dock and served in the U.S. Coast Guard. Rookie Paddleboarder enjoying life with my hubby and kitties in Orange County, CA.

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